It's finally happened, what we have all been waiting for! The internet's number ONE movie factoid dispenser is soon to become the number ONE American actor in foreign films! Thanks to my best friend Amiga McCormick, I am soon to star in a multitude of films in the foreign genre. We are currently on route to France itself, where I will star in these movies and where they will take place. Safe to say, things are finally looking up! Thank you to all the people who have shown their support! It has been so nice to hear your kind words, besides some jealous losers who have said some mean things and even helicoptered away from the yatcht because they were so jealous! What weirdos!
Hey guys, in light of the server being shut down today I really wanted to apologize for the crass language I said and the mean words I have done. Despite everything, including people doing things I do not like, you are still all the only friends I have. So I made a drawing for everyone, and as you know a drawing is the best way to apologize for the wrong things you have done!
Goodbye everyone! And good luck with whatever you do now!
UPDATE: I forgot Smith in the original drawing so I made a custom drawing just for him on my Windows Computer, using the neat paint program!
It's over... the On Cinema Chatbox is over... Don't believe me? Conro left the chat a few days ago, alledgely because people don't talk about movies anymore! Trying to get him back on track, as I often do with my friends (that is, when I had friends!) I sent him a heartfelt e-mail like any good friend would. It is attached below.
At first, his response was a little odd, but nothing too serious. He sent me a photo of himself crying! Something I'd expect from Ocser or Pin or that new loser Todd that joined but not Conro! The leader of On Cinema chatroom community... whining like a child?
Things began to take an extremely dark turn after I received this e-mail... before I even had time to compose myself to compose a reply e-mail another one popped into my box. Here is where I started to lose it. If you will notice, the file attachment to Conro took and e-mailed to me is a plasma television, NOT a cathode ray tube. As I have explained multiple times, NO FILM FANCIER WOULD EVER USE A PLASMA TV. Plasma TV disorts the image on the VCR! What the heck is the point of a television that doesn't show the majority of movies correctly? To make matters worst, Conro has access to a cathode ray tube but CHOOSES to watch on the plasma! To make matters EVEN WORST, my best friend Amiga and that weirdo Helane comfirmed that this was not actually a movie, but a goddang TV show! Called Columbo! And I Yahooed this info to verify, THERE WAS NEVER A MOVIE made about this crap! It was such a terrible piece of crap that not even Hollywood could salvage it into something appealing! And here we have the only male administrator of the On Cinema Chatboxes willingly watching it!
Now I would like to make this clear. I am not an unfair or judgemental person. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. I could have given him the benefit of the doubt about the things I already posted, maybe it was a one time thing, right? Well here is where this man becomes truly irreedeemable. For all the judgement he cast on ALL OF US, even those who always kept to the movies, for sometimes (ESPECIALLY in my case) minor infractions! It was all accepted because of the understanding that this guy truly cared about On Cinema and put movie first! Well, turns out that guy plays board games!
I have not been to a doctor, but I was shocked so much I'm pretty sure I had a small heart attack! All for just sharing this information... The worst part? Nobody seemed to care.. and then I saw the most UNFORGIVABLE E-MAIL YET. I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THIS. A VIDEO GAME? ARE YOU KIDDING? BLEEPS AND BLOOPS? One of my favorite things about Conro is he always stood against gaming. We would punk the virgin losers that joined the chatroom and talked about they're stupid GameBoys and controllers and other weird stuff! But I guess that Conro wasn't even a real person... it was like he was playing a fricking character or something! But this isn't a feature film! This is REAL LIFE.
As much as I am dissapointed in Conro, which is more than anyone I have ever been dissapointed in ever... I am dissapointed in ALL OF YOU! That's right, ALL OF YOU. I tried to bring this stuff to your attention and you barely batted an eyelash! I even reopen my chatbox but NONE of the mods, mod jrs. and chanops I hired showed up. In fact only Phil showed up! So I gave up on that, like you all gave up on me. I risked my life to release this information and it doesn't even seem to matter to you idiots! Some of you tried to justify it, some of you ignored it, some of you pretended it wasn't even happening. But it did. We can never go back. With that, I've decided it's over. I don't see a point in discussing movies via the world wibe web anymore. I may have to stay on the yatcht and help my friend Amiga with whatever she needs, but I DO NOT need to come on-line to talk about movies anymore. I apparently care about them more than anyone else anyways, so why do I need to listen to what some internet FAKERS have to say about them? I apologize for the crass language I employed today but I MEANT EVERY WORD I SAID. I will not be around on ANY On Cinema chatrooms anymore. Goodbye and good riddance. If you REALLY care about movies, and REALLY want to talk to me about them, you can e-mail me at I will check my box once a week, and maybe, JUST MAYBE reply to you.
Signing off for good,
Barry Thomas Butts
P.S. I bet that jerk Pin will try to delete this and cover it up! Luckily I have this HTML file saved on my desktop! So get bent! Loser!
Here is an apology video I made for my good freind Conro after mistakingly mispelling his name! There is some good movie knowledge in here too, especially spelling movies and a bonus surprise at the end! Also some computer tips as well! My movie factoids will put a SPELL on you!
Hey guys! Here's something a little different! My good friend Muskrat and I teamed up to review 10 action packed movies! Due to this not being formatted like my traditional reviews and not being hosted on my YouTube homepage I chose to post it in movie news instead! I had a lot of fun watching these movies and learned a new meaning for BTB - Bad Tothe Bone! (You have to combine the to and the the but it still works!)
My mother, Alotta Harry Butts, has passed. Born September 21st, 1950 (the same day as BILL MURRAY!), Mother was a staple of our home town. She started her job at Arbys in 1966 and climbed the corporate ladder, making it all the way to assistant manager before retiring at the beginning of 2023 when she let some minor injuries get in the way of her work life. Mother was a domineering force in my life, and not much of a film expert. As freely as I dispense movie factoids, she would dispense harsh criticism, verbal abuse, and negativity towards me. Despite this, I continue to thrive in my career as a movies expert. I have seen nearly 500,000 movies, and run the PREMIERE movie website for movie tips and information. The final days of my mother's life were very hard, and although it is never good to point fingers in times like this I believe Noah is to blame for my mother's untimely demise. Had we not been thrown out of his home in our time of need, mother would not have needed to face the harsh conditions of life on the road. I also would be far closer to my goal of seeing 500,000 movies!
NOTE: Noah is not to blame. - pin
NOTE: He was to blame... -BTB
Hey folks. It is with heavy haert that I write to inform you that the Our Cinema movie chat on this webpage has been permanently closed. This is due to a lot of circumstances out of my control. Hackers, e-worms, trogan hoarses, etc. all invaded my chatroom, but those were just symptoms of the bigger problem. The problem of jealously. People were upset that I had a sucessful chatroom that was better than theirs and it was BOOMING with Hollywood insiders. People were upset that I built the premiere place on the internet to discuss movies and outshadowed their little discord chatbox. I knew there was gonna be some backlash and jealously when I launched this site, but I never knew it would be this bad. You would not believe how differently I have been treated by people I used to consider my freinds once they saw how sucessful I was becoming. To avoid anyone else being impacted by an e-worm, hack, virus, etc. I have made the executive decision to pull the plug. However, my good friend alanonzander has decided to continue running the #ourcinema channel on, as he is a huge fan of movies and told me the mibbit community is desperate for a good place to talk movies. Unfortunately, due to the haters and trolls I have chosen to step away and not be involved in this chatbox anymore. This is exclusively for the safety of everyone involved. It will NOT be hosted on my site and I have nothing to do with it's modern iteration. I would just like to apologize to George, Peter, Steven, Tim, Jeff, and the rest of the Hollywood insiders that visited the #ourcinema channel on this webpage daily to talk movies and plan to make new great movies. I don't think we'll ever see Star Wars and Hobbit cross over now, which leaves a sinking feeling in my haert. I am turly sorry. Maybe one day things will be different. Until then, keep a happy thought and try to enjoy some of your favorite movies! Thank you to all our #ourcinema chatbox members, I will miss you all!
NOTE: The problem was NOT jealousy - pin
NOTE: It was one of the many problems, which is why there was targeted e-worm attacks on our chatbox... -BTB
Fresh after my first class flight to Skywalker Ranch to visit mister Geoege Lucas, I recieved an e-mail from my good friend Peter Jackson to visit him at his house: the Shire!!! He said he wanted me personally to visit, as he knows I am the worlds BIGGEST hobbithead. In fact, I have watched the each of the Hobbit Films well over THREE HUNDERED TIMES. I was actually invited to the private screening of the Hobbit One: A Unexpected Joruney. Here is a picture of me with an one of a kind Hobbit Popcorn Bucket, worth an estimated $1.3 million dollars. It is a one of kind item that many people haven't even had the oppurtunity to see a picture of. It is a very unique, one of a kind item that only I and a few lucky (and talented) Hobbit enthusiasts were lucky enough to get there hands on (and use it to feast on Popcorn with!). It is one of a kind.
Me and mister jackson caught up on a ton of things, as we have been friends for years and years. I am actually close with lots of Hollywood insiders, and that is why people come to me for they're movie factoids and movie information. MR. Jackson compliemented me several times on my movie knowledge and professionalism. He also thanked me for helping him come up with the battle of the five armies, which you may not know but we talked through e-mail during the filming of that movie and I pretty much gave him the entire plot of the movie.
Finally we talked abuot whats next for Hobbit. Mister Jakcson expressed his disdain and hatred for the horrible Rings of Power TV show, which as you know I have been speaking out against for YEARS. This TV is inaccurate to the Hobbit movies and is not even a movie. Luckily, Mirster Jackson has an ace up his sleave and his name is TOM BOBODIL
TOM BUBBADILL is never scene in any of the Hobbit movies, but this was an intentional move by Mr. Jauckson. It's a little known factoid, but the Hobbits are actually based on a old series of books, and Tom Bobadil is one of the characters in this books.
Tom Bumbadel will star in multiple new movies, and he won't be the only familiar face we will see. In addition to Tom, we are gonna see some friendly faces. Biblo, Legoass, Eragon, Doubledore, and SMAUG the dragon will all return! I hope you are excited as I am for the new Tom Bolbidol movies!
NOTE: sources unverified. - pin
It's an unfortunate circumstance that the movie reviewer community is infested at the moment with people who claim they know movies, but are nothing but hacks, liers, and frauds. Instead of focusing on the movies, they get caught up in the glitz and glamor of being a professional movie reviewer and forget whats important: the MOVIEs.
Tory the Chicken Farmer. Vera Fyd. Ocser D. Darling. "Creepy" Glenn. Hygiene the Amination Head. These are all names you probably don't know. And with good reason: THEY LIE ABOUT THEIR MOVIE EXPERTISE. They work together, complimenting each others movie reviews while ignoring mine. Ignoring my news articles and movie factoids. Ignoring my multiple e-mail invitations to my Toy Story Movie Marathon. And possibly most agregious of all: COPYING AND PASTING OTHER MORE WELL KNOWN MOVIE REVIEWERS MOVIE REVIEWS
NOTE: many of these people are my friends and i do not endorse this accusation. - pin
NOTE: I retract some of these accusations. -BTB
The usual targets for this plagarism are the biggest names in the game. They copy reviews from the likes of Doug Walker, Cole Smithey, MovieBob, and even Siskelan Ebert. How did they think they could get away with this and nobody would find out? The answer is simple: anyone who questions them is silenced on the chatbox they post they're movie reviews on. You will be called a rat. You will be told you have scabies. All for exposing the turth.
Looking at the place where this degengeracy breeds and this hole story makes a lot more sense. The On Cinema at the Cinema is a chatbox on Discord, an unpopular IRC client, is where these fakers congregate. Instead of intellctual movie discussion, they are usually focused on weddings, hit and run drive bys, and mud orgies. When they aren't engaging in these disgusting activities, they are copy and pasting movie reviews from MovieBob. So, who are the horrible people behind this IRC channel? Well, I cant find too much information about them, but they are known as Amigo* and Corno* to the losers that visit their chatbox. They are heavy drug users who have never even seen any movies, except maybe Mean Girls. They don't do a good job at being ChanOps and I would do a better job.
NOTE: there is too much personal drama, i do agree with that one. - pin
NOTE: *correction: Amiga and Conro. They have both seen some movies other than Mean Girls. - pin
NOTE: this photo is not verified. - pin
NOTE: I also retract this one, I had not met Amiga and Conro in person yet as of writing this article... -BTB
Luckily there is a final solution. I have been corresponding with MovieBob himself and we are working with the cyber crimes police to get this illegal pirate chatbox off of the internet FOR GOOD. I have also been e-mailing Gregg Tunkington and he told me himself he had no idea about this on Cinema chatbox, and gave me complete permission to start my own OUR CINEMA chatbox! You can find it on the homepage of this website, and I have happy to report we have almost over 500,000 members! Join today and start to enjoy REAL movie expertise, not fakers!
In late December, I recieved an e-mail from my good friend Gorge Lucas to visit him at his house: Skywalker Ranch!!! He said he wanted me personally to visit, as he knows I am the worlds BIGGEST star wars fan. In fact, I have watched the each of the star Films well over THREE HUNDERED TIMES. I was actually invited to the private screening of Star Wars: Return of the Sith.
Me and mister lukas caught up on a ton of things, as we have been friends for years and years. I am actually close with lots of Hollywood insiders, and that is why people come to me for they're movie factoids and movie information. MR. luucas compliemented me several times on my movie knowledge and professionalism. He also thanked me for helping him come up with the ewoks, which you may not know but we talked through e-mail during the filming of that movie and I pretty much gave him the entire plot of the movie.
Finally we talked abuot whats next for Star Warm. Mister Lucas expressed his disdain and hatred for the horrible Bolba Fett TV show, which as you know I have been speaking out against for YEARS. This TV is inaccurate to the star war movies and is not even a movie. Luckily, Mirster lucas has an ace up his sleave and his name is KI ADI MUNDI
NOTE: sources are not verified. - pin
NOTE: Seriously Pin, I hate you more than anyone I've ever met!!!! -BTB
NOTE: same as above regarding this photo. - pin
NOTE: I don't even know how this photo got here... this is supposed to be a Star War article. -BTB
ki aids mundie is in the star wars 3: return of the sith. He is a lesser known character, but is very important in the background. He is known as the "mastermind" of the force, and that is why he has a big long head!
Ki Andy Mundy will star in multiple new movies, and he won't be the only familiar face we will see. In addition to Ki, we are gonna see some friendly faces. Luke, Leah, Yoba, Obi Kenobi, and SMAUG the dragon will all return! I hope you are excited as I am for the new Kim Ande Mungi movies!
NOTE: citation needed. - pin
NOTE: please do not take this photo seriously. - pin
NOTE: I agree! It was a technical error! -BTB